General Pentesting InfoSec Career

Pwn School Project Syllabus
Hello friends! It’s been a while, hasn’t it? Today, I have a small community contribution. I’ve spent the last few...
General InfoSec Career

The Power of Friends In InfoSec
2020 was a crazy year for me. Part of me feels bad for not blogging in well over a year;...
ExploitDev Pentesting InfoSec Writeup

A Gentle Intro to ROP and Bypassing DEP
This post is intended as a soft introduction to return-oriented-programming and bypassing DEP. Nothing in this blog post is new...
ExploitDev Pentesting InfoSec Writeup

CVE-2019-19383 is a buffer overflow vulnerability in FreeFTPd version 1.0.8 that I recently discovered while on my lunch break. Seems...
VulnerableMachine Pentesting InfoSec Writeup

SafeHarbor Write-Up
SafeHarbor is another fantastic box by AbsoZed. This time we’re faced with a machine that is designed to emulate a...